Saturday 24 November 2012

The Techxorcist : a fresh new cyberpunk novels series

Lately, I had the honor to illustrate the main characters of The Techxorcist series : a series of cyberpunk genre novels written by the amazing Colin F. Barnes.

The characters are, in order : Gerry Cardle, Petal and Gabriel.

If a blend of Blade Runner, Mad Max and The Exorcist sounds good to you, you should definitely give a try and buy Artificial Evil, book 1 of The Techxorcist.

Anachron Press
Amazon: US | UK |
Epub: Kobo | Lulu
B&N & iBookstore coming soon.

Anachron Press
Amazon: US | UK |CreateSpace

1 comment:

  1. awesome. Glad to see some new stuff from you :) it's looking great too by the way, really like the first one
